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  • Foto del escritorEquipo 2 Lapassion


We started the week, doing a technic called brainstorm with one of the problem selected the previous week. Casually, we started with the one I´d liked the most, and we end up with some crazy ideas.

The next class, I had to leave earlier because one of my friends was going to take off to Australia!! So I wanted to say goodbay to her, but I missed most of the class. Whence, the nex day I was shoked to fond out that our solution was a karaoke with virtual reality.

Later on, I had the oportunity to work with another teem. It was awsome, because I was challenged to talk with people that I never did before. Facing together a difficult task, transform a pony into a pokemon that say "meow" and light a light.

I loved the experience! And mostly to share a difernt facet of my collegues.

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