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Foto del escritorEquipo 2 Lapassion


We started this week, with the testing day. From which,we conclude it was almost imposible to apply our original idea to kids that didn´t have at least a basic knowlege of the language and where neither of them had the same level of English. Because, the ones that had an advanced level of English found the game kind of slow, having to waited for the ones that weren´t so advanced. This happend beacuse, we invent a variation of the game to integrate them all.

In the same way they said the game was boring, they asked to play againg, so I belive they in fact liked it.

After on, it was time to came to earth our proyect and to make the presentation, the poster and to make the second prototipe! So it was a hard week, full of emotions! And I was amazed of the cards Tati designed!! I loved them!

Luckily, at the middle of the week I could arranged another meeting to test the proyect. But this time with our client, a private institution that teaches the language. Where the origial game worked perfectly. The kids were challenged but could still play and learn.

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